Collection audio: Les verbes irréguliers anglais


Nous avons enregistré la prononciation des formes conjuguées d'environ 160 verbes anglais qui sont habituellement présentés dans les listes de verbes irréguliers, à la fin des manuels d'anglais. Cette collection, comme l'ensemble des collections SWAC que nous distribuons, est distribuée sous licence "Creative Commons Paternité 2.0" (Cette collection est donc librement téléchargeable, modifiable, rediffusable...).

Ces fichiers sonore ont été enregistrés par Alyson Heimer, une étudiante américaine originaire du Massachusetts.

Les fichiers sonores sont téléchargeables sous formes d'archives Tar aux formats Ogg et Flac depuis le site

Fiche sonore

Cette liste sonore, optimisée pour Mozilla Firefox, fonctionne grâce au lecteur Flash Dewplayer (Si Flash n'est pas installé sur votre ordinateur, cliquez sur les mots pour en écouter la prononciation).

Infinitive Simple Past Preset Perfect Français
to awake I awoke I have awoken se réveiller
to bear I bore I have borne supporter
to beat I beat I have beaten battre
to become I became I have become devenir
to begin I began I have begun commencer
to bend I bent I have bent se courber
to bet I bet I have bet parier
to bid I bid I have bid commander; ordonner
to bind I bound I have bound lier; relier
to bite I bit I have bitten mordre
to bleed I bled I have bled saigner
to blow I blew I have blown souffler
to break I broke I have broken casser
to breed I bred I have bred élever du bétail
to bring I brought I have brought apporter
to build I built I have built construire
to burn I burnt I have burnt brûler
to burst I burst I have burst éclater
to buy I bought I have bought acheter
to cast I cast I have cast jeter; distribuer
to catch I caught I have caught attraper
to choose I chose I have chosen choisir
to cling I clung I have clung s'accrocher
to come I came I have come venir
to cost I cost I have cost coûter
to creep I crept I have crept ramper
to cut I cut I have cut couper
to deal I dealt I have dealt distribuer
to dig I dug I have dug creuser
to do I did I have done faire
to draw I drew I have drawn dessiner
to dream I dreamt I have dreamt rêver
to drink I drank I have drunk boire
to drive I drove I have driven conduire
to dwell I dwelt I have dwelt habiter
to eat I ate I have eaten manger
to fall I fell I have fallen tomber
to feed I fed I have fed nourrir
to feel I felt I have felt sentir; éprouver
to fight I fought I have fought combattre
to find I found I have found trouver
to flee I fled I have fled s'enfuir
to fling I flung I have flung jeter (violemment)
to fly I flew I have flown voler
to forbid I forbade I have forbidden interdire
to forget I forgot I have forgotten oublier
to forgive I forgave I have forgiven pardonner
to freeze I froze I have frozen geler
to get I got I have got (Br.); I have gotten (Am.) obtenir
to give I gave I have given donner
to go I went I have gone aller
to grind I ground I have ground moudre
to grow I grew I have grown grandir
to hang I hung I have hung pendre; accrocher
to have I had I have had avoir
to hear I heard I have heard entendre
to hide I hid I have hidden se cacher
to hit I hit I have hit frapper; atteindre
to hold I held I have held tenir
to hurt I hurt I have hurt blesser
to keep I kept I have kept garder
to kneel I knelt I have knelt s'agenouiller
to know I knew I have known savoir; connaître
to lay I laid I have laid poser (à plat)
to lead I led I have led mener
to lean I leant I have leant s'appuyer
to leap I leapt I have leapt sauter
to learn I learnt I have learnt apprendre
to leave I left I have left laisser; quitter
to lend I lent I have lent prêter
to let I let I have let permettre; louer
to lie I lay I have lain être étendu
to light I lit I have lit allumer
to lose I lost I have lost perdre
to make I made I have made faire; fabriquer
to mean I meant I have meant signifier
to meet I met I have met se rencontrer
to pay I paid I have paid payer
to put I put I have put mettre
to quit I quit I have quit cesser (de)
to read I read I have read lire
to rid I rid I have rid débarrasser
to ride I rode I have ridden chevaucher
to ring I rang I have rung sonner
to rise I rose I have risen s'élever; se lever
to run I ran I have run courir
to saw I sawed I have sawn scier
to say I said I have said dire
to see I saw I have seen voir
to seek I sought I have sought chercher
to sell I sold I have sold vendre
to send I sent I have sent envoyer
to set I set I have set fixer
to sew I sewed I have sewn coudre
to shake I shook I have shaken secouer
to shear I sheared I have shorn tondre (des moutons)
to shed I shed I have shed verser (des larmes)
to shine I shone I have shone briller
to shoot I shot I have shot tirer
to show I showed I have shown montrer
to shrink I shrank I have shrunk rétrécir
to shut I shut I have shut fermer
to sing I sang I have sung chanter
to sink I sank I have sunk couler
to sit I sat I have sat être assis
to sleep I slept I have slept dormir
to slide I slid I have slid glisser
to sling I slung I have slung lancer (avec force)
to slink I slunk I have slunk aller (furtivement)
to slit I slit I have slit fendre; inciser
to smell I smelt I have smelt sentir (odorat)
to sow I sowed I have sown semer
to speak I spoke I have spoken parler
to speed I sped I have sped aller à toute vitesse
to spell I spelt I have spelt épeler
to spend I spent I have spent dépenser
to spill I spilt I have spilt renverser (un liquide)
to spit I spat I have spat cracher
to split I split I have split fendre
to spoil I spoilt I have spoilt gâcher; gâter
to spread I spread I have spread répandre
to spring I sprang I have sprung jaillir; bondir
to stand I stood I have stood être debout
to steal I stole I have stolen voler; dérober
to stick I stuck I have stuck coller
to sting I stung I have stung piquer
to stink I stank I have stunk puer
to stride I strode I have stridden marcher à grands pas
to strike I struck I have struck frapper
to string I strung I have strung enfiler; tendre (une corde)
to strive I strove I have striven s'efforcer
to swear I swore I have sworn jurer
to sweep I swept I have swept balayer
to swell I swelled I have swollen enfler
to swim I swam I have swum nager
to swing I swung I have swung se balancer
to take I took I have taken prendre
to teach I taught I have taught enseigner
to tear I tore I have torn déchirer
to tell I told I have told dire; raconter
to think I thought I have thought penser
to throw I threw I have thrown jeter
to thrust I thrust I have thrust enfoncer
to tread I trod I have trodden fouler aux pieds
to understand I understood I have understood comprendre
to wake I woke I have woken se réveiller
to wear I wore I have worn porter (des vêtements)
to weave I wove I have woven tisser
to weep I wept I have wept pleurer
to win I won I have won gagner
to wind I wound I have wound enrouler
to wring I wrung I have wrung tordre
to write I wrote I have written écrire