
FSI Languages Courses

Introduction to French Phonolgy

The Introduction to French Phonology course provides additional drills for those who wish to sound like a native speaker of the language. The course may be used beneficially at any stage of learning the language. It is invaluable for those who are already masters of the language but who wish to speak it better.

"In its use at the FSI it serves as the initial syllabus for beginning students, preceeding the French Basic Course. It is the exclusive syllabus for the first three to six weeks of full time French instruction for beginning students."

Student Text

Instructor's Manual

Chapter 01 Tape 1.1 Tape 1.2
Chapter 02 Tape 2.1 Tape 2.2
Chapter 03 Tape 3.1 Tape 3.2
Chapter 04 Tape 4.1 Tape 4.2
Chapter 05 Tape 5.1 Tape 5.2
Chapter 06 Tape 6.1 Tape 6.2
Chapter 07 Tape 7.1 Tape 7.2
Chapter 08 Tape 8.1 Tape 8.2
Chapter 09 Tape 9.1 Tape 9.2
Chapter 10 Tape 10.1 Tape 10.2